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  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room 134

Teaching in the Aftermath of THIS Election

Facilitator: CETLI Staff

This extraordinarily contentious election has left many of our students – and many of us – struggling. In this discussion we will consider what this election may mean for us in our teaching. This could mean talking about specific topics such as: how we talk with upset students in the wake of the event; how […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room 134

Can Teaching Critical Thinking Lead to More Constructive Classroom Conversation?

Facilitator: Dr. Louis Newman, former Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Stanford University, and Professor of Religious Studies Emeritus, Carleton College

In the current contentious moment, conversation across differences may sometimes seem nearly impossible. Focusing our students on basic elements of critical thinking, though, can be one key to fostering more open, less conflictual polarized attitudes. This discussion will explore the ways in which explicitly centering critical thinking in our teaching can facilitate students exploring divergent […]

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

Teaching in the Aftermath of THIS Election

Facilitator: CETLI Staff

This extraordinarily contentious election has left many of our students – and many of us – struggling. In this discussion we will consider what this election may mean for us in our teaching. This could mean talking about specific topics such as: how we talk with upset students in the wake of the event; how […]

  • Annenberg School

Leveraging Digital and Social Media in Your Teaching

Facilitator: Dr. Lucy March, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center on Digital Culture and Society, Annenberg School for Communication

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Annenberg School for Communication, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Van Pelt Library
    134 CETLI Seminar Room

Mentoring Graduate Students in the Lab

Facilitator: Drs. Corlett Wood, Assistant Professor, Biology, & Arjun Yodh, Professor, Physics & Astronomy

Mentoring graduate students in the lab involves providing enough guidance to get students started on the right track while knowing when to encourage students to work more independently. To start this conversation Arjun Yodh of Physics and Corlett Wood of Biology will discuss how they think about giving students agency while at the same time […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    134 CETLI Seminar Room

Facilitating Discussions in Polarized Times

Facilitator: Drs. Roxanne L. Euben, Professor, Political Science, & Sophia A. Rosenfeld, Professor, History

Holding discussions in class can often feel risky or even impossible.  In this session, Roxanne Euben of Political Science and Sophia Rosenfeld of History will talk about strategies they use to turn these seemingly risky discussions into meaningful experiences for students’ learning.

  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room, 134

Identity in the Classroom: Stereotypes, Prototypes & Identity

Facilitator: Anirudh Karnick, CETLI Graduate Fellow in Inclusive & Equitable Teaching, Comparative Literature & South Asia Studies

In this interactive workshop, we will explore the multi-layered concept of identity in teaching, learning, and professional development. We will examine both ascribed identities (those assigned to us by others) and avowed identities (those we define for ourselves), and how these shape our experiences as educators and as students. We will discuss impostor syndrome, its […]

  • Levine Hall

Centering Questions to Foster Intrinsic Motivation

Facilitator: Dr. Jérémie O. Lumbroso, Practice Assistant Professor, Computer & Information Science

In this workshop, we discuss the "Questions First" teaching philosophy of Prof. Jérémie Lumbroso. Centering student questions has many benefits, including helping students build their confidence and critical thinking skills, as well as naturally helping make attendance to class seem valuable. We explore concrete strategies for enacting such a philosophy — with considerations such as […]

  • Meyerson Hall
    3rd Floor North Conference Room

Building Confidence in Yourself and Your Students: Taking Risks, Leveling the Field

Facilitator: Dr. Sarah Lopez, Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning

Does one build confidence in the classroom as one moves from graduate student to postdoc to assistant professor? What hurdles present themselves at every phase? What is (and should be) the relationship between “expert knowledge” and teaching? In this discussion, Prof. Lopez will outline the arc of her teaching experience—from graduate student TA to postdoc […]

  • Vagelos Labs

Designing More Inclusive Classes for Students with Disabilities

Facilitator: Dr. Zahra Fakhraai, Professor, Chemistry

Students with diagnosed disabilities are referred to the Student Disabilities Services (SDS) Office to submit a request for accommodations. However, receiving "official" accommodations can be expensive, stressful, and time consuming, and may ultimately be limited in scope. Some students in your classroom will not have the resources to receive official accommodations through SDS. The students […]

  • DRL (David Rittenhouse Laboratories)

Planning an IBL Math Class

Facilitator: Dr. Aaron W. Anderson, Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Mathematics department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Van Pelt Library
    Collaborative Classroom (113)

Engaging Emotions and Identity in Professional Ethics Cases

Facilitator: Drs. Christopher Pupik Dean, Director, Urban Teaching Apprenticeship Program, Teaching, Learning and Leadership, Graduate School of Education; and Lauren T. Starr, Lecturer, Biobehavioral and Health Sciences

In this conversation, Christopher Pupik Dean of Education, and Lauren Starr of Biobehvioral Health will discuss how they structure their ethics classes to help students consider the roles that the students' identities and emotions play in making ethical judgments.  Participants will discuss what roles identity and emotions can play in their ethics classes and ways […]

  • Skirkanich Hall
    Greenberg Lounge, Room 114

Designing Course Materials as Literate Programs

Facilitator: Dr. Benjamin C. Pierce, Henry Salvatori Professor, Computer & Information Science

In this workshop, we discuss considerations when designing course materials for computer science classes, through the lens of Prof. Benjamin Pierce's experiences with developing the Software Foundations textbook series. We focus in particular on literate programs — that is, documents that can both be read as text and executed as code — and examine how this medium lends itself […]

  • Towne Building

Pathways to Academia: Plan your PhD Program to Pave the Path for a Faculty Career

Facilitator: Drs. Celia Reina, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics; and Samantha A. McBride, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

This workshop outlines essential strategies for PhD students aiming for a faculty position. It emphasizes the importance of balancing research and teaching skills, selecting research topics that align with academic job markets, building a publication record, and networking within academic circles. The guide also highlights the significance of mentorship and professional development opportunities that can […]

  • Fagin Hall

Teaching as a Pathway: Navigating the Application and Transition to an Academic Professor Role

Facilitator: Drs. Jane Muir, Assistant Professor, Family and Community Health, University of Pennsylvania; and Elise Tarbi, Assistant Professor, Nursing, University of Vermont

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Nursing department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. This will be a hybrid event and can be attended either in-person or via Zoom. Please register for Zoom link. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

Reading in the Age of AI

Facilitator: Catherine Turner, Director of Faculty Programming and Pedagogy, CETLI

Students are using AI as a way to complete assigned reading by creating summaries and analyses using the tools.  This session will be an opportunity to discuss how to motivate students to value the process of reading and how to think about reading as part of a class.

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

Getting Students to Interact with Course Materials Using Perusall

Facilitator: Jessica Morris, Director, Instructional Design & Technology, CETLI

Perusall is an annotation tool that integrates with Canvas and allows students to collaboratively comment on and discuss class materials. In this session, participants will learn how to use features within Perusall to help students deepen their engagement with assigned material and foster productive interactions between students. 

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

CANCELED: Engaging Students on the First Day of Class

Facilitator: Jennifer Round, Associate Director of Faculty Programming and Pedagogy, CETLI

What you do on the first day of class shapes the rest of the semester, allowing you to give students a glimpse of your teaching style and communicate your expectations. In this session, participants will discuss how to establish your classroom as an inclusive, welcoming space and generate excitement for the semester ahead.  This session […]

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

Save Time with Canvas Gradebook

Facilitator: Rachel Hoke, Associate Director, Technology and Pedagogy, CETLI

Learn how to set up and use the built-in Canvas Gradebook to streamline tasks such as calculating assignment grades, communicating with students, and submitting final course grades. 

  • JMHH (Huntsman Hall)

Teaching Advanced Quantitative Methods to Undergraduates

Facilitator: Dr. Peter S. Fader, Marketing

Advanced quantitative classes present massive barriers to entry for even quantitative students. That has not prevented Dr. Peter Fader’s Applied Probability Models in Marketing course from becoming one of the most enduringly popular, and consistently challenging, courses among undergraduates and MBAs in Wharton. This workshop will cover how Dr. Fader designed his course, as well […]

  • Penn Museum
    Rome Gallery

Teaching Objects

Facilitator: Dr. Kimberly Diane Bowes, Classical Studies

Please meet at the East Entrance of the museum 10 minutes before the workshop begins. Due to space constraints, this workshop will be limited to 15 attendees. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Classical Studies department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts […]

  • Fisher Fine Arts Library
    The Architectural Archives, Lower Level

On Edge in the Archive

Facilitator: William Whitaker, Curator and Collections Manager of the Architectural Archives; and Dr. Fernando Lara, Architecture

Specialized collections of drawings and models have been used in architectural education for hundreds of years. Today’s archives, whether housed within design schools or at sites beyond the academy, offer possibilities for instruction focused on building up a student’s facility with the tools of drawing and design development. In this context, the “edge” of the […]

  • Williams Hall

Does Teaching Prepare You For a Job?

Facilitator: Dr. Nancy S. Steinhardt, East Asian Languages and Civilizations

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the East Asian Languages and Civilizations department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fagin Hall

From Mentee to Mentor: Making the Most of Mentorship at any Stage

Facilitator: Drs. Dalmacio Dennis Flores, and Stephen Bonett, Family and Community Health

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the School of Nursing, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. This will be a hybrid workshop. Zoom links will be sent to those wishing to join virtually. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • GSE Building (Graduate School of Education)

Teaching Classes Students Think They Are Going to Hate: Lessons From Teaching Intro Quantitative Methods Courses

Facilitator: Dr. Rachel Baker, Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems Division

How do you overcome students’ apprehension and anxieties around your course material? Drawing on Dr. Baker’s experiences teaching introductory statistics, we will discuss pedagogical strategies that can be leveraged to help students build confidence they do not yet have in relation to your subject area. Such strategies include group work, modulating lecture structure and speed, […]

  • Stiteler Hall
    259 (Silverstein Forum)

Learning from Your Students: Building a Dynamic International Classroom Community While Addressing Curricular Goals

Facilitator: Dr. Betsy Rymes, Educational Linguistics

Learning from your students need not mean you stop teaching them anything! But balancing our own curricular goals with the needs and desires an increasingly multilingual and international, media saturated, and ChatGPT savvy student body may require some new teaching strategies. In this workshop, we will discuss strategies for building an intentional and welcoming classroom […]