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CETLI leads teaching workshops and discussions upon request. For interested schools, departments, programs or other organizations at Penn, CETLI can provide workshops on a wide range of teaching topics, including course design, classroom strategies, and professional development, for audiences from faculty to lecturers to teaching assistants. CETLI can also facilitate department- or program-specific discussions of teaching, including conversations on curriculum development and implementation, and sessions addressing particular teaching challenges. In all cases, CETLI works with the requestor to develop a program that meets the group's needs.

To request a workshop, email CETLI.

Past Workshop Samples

General sessions:

  • New Faculty/Lecturer/TA Orientations
  • Enhancing Learning in Our Courses
  • Teaching in Moments of Crisis
  • Building Community in Class
  • Effective and Inclusive Mentoring
  • Peer Observations, or Peer Review of Teaching
  • Developing as Teachers, including Working with Student Evaluations

Planning your course:

  • Course Design
  • Defining Your Course Goals
  • Assignments: What Do You Want Students to Do?

During the course:

  • Teaching for Active Learning
  • Effective Lecturing
  • Leading Discussions
  • Making Effective Use of Class Time
  • Supporting Difficult Dialogues
  • Grading and Student Assessment

Inclusive teaching:

  • Fundamentals of Inclusive and Equitable Teaching
  • Cultivating Student Belonging
  • Course Structures that Support All Students
  • Countering Bias in Our Classes
  • Racial Equity Course Review

Teaching and technology:

  • Using Canvas to Promote Student Learning
  • Promoting Synchronous or Asynchronous Student Engagement
    • Polling, Online Discussion Boards, or Collaborative Reading
  • What Does Generative AI Mean for Our Teaching
  • Online Teaching, introduction and advanced topic

Departmental curricular planning:

  • Identifying Curricular Goals and Designing Courses to Contribute