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For TAs working in Structured Active In-class Learning (SAIL) classes, CETLI offers a SAIL-specific training program. Faculty teaching SAIL classes may encourage or require TAs to participate.

For more details about this training or to participate, contact CETLI.

Training for SAIL TAs

CETLI’s five-session program focuses on the following themes, as well as issues that arise from TA’s experiences in SAIL classes:

  • Managing group dynamics.
  • Giving feedback to students.
  • Guiding students through questions, including reformulating students' questions so students can answer them.
  • Breaking concepts and confusion into pieces so that students can address them in a step-by-step process.
  • Preparing for an active learning class.
  • Encouraging student preparation.


Over the semester these themes will develop through the following sessions and activities:

  • Session 1 (right around the start of classes) – Introduction to TAing in a highly structured, highly active classroom.
  • Session 2 (the first or second week of classes) – Practice guiding students in groups.
  • Individual observation (~weeks 2-5 of the semester) – Consists of a pre-observation meeting, an in-class recording and observation, and a post-observation meeting.
  • Session 3 (~week 5 of the semester) – Debrief on how things are going. What is difficult? What has been unexpected? What has gone particularly well?
  • Session 4 (end of the semester) – Debrief on how things have gone over the semester. Consider how participants will use this experience in the future.