The vocation of teaching in Religious Studies and related disciplines is not restricted to those scholars who hold tenure-track jobs, and its audience is not restricted to undergraduate and graduate students. In this workshop, Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Director Steve Weitzman, Associate Director Natalie Dohrmann, and Director of Public Programs Anne Albert will discuss the methods they use to reach non-university-based audiences and the ways they target their teaching to those audiences. They will also discuss ways to find teaching jobs outside of the tenure track and how to tailor applications for these jobs. Although the content of the discussion will focus on Religious Studies/Jewish Studies, the lessons learned should be broadly applicable across the humanities.
The workshop will be followed by an optional tour (4:30-5:00) of the Katz Center rare book collection and other resources that may be of interest to graduate students.
Getting to the Katz Center from the main campus:
Walk to 34th & Market Sts. and take the Market-Frankford line eastbound (towards Frankford), boarding on the south side of Market. Get off at the 5th St. station (5th & Market). Turn right (south) onto 5th St. and walk two blocks to Walnut St. Turn left onto Walnut St.; the Katz Center will be on your right. Estimated travel time: 25-30 minutes. (Bus options are also available on the #21 and #40 routes; these take longer but require less walking.)
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Religious Studies department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields.
Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.