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  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room 134

Teaching Outside Your Area of Expertise

Facilitator: Jeremy Steinberg, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Religious Studies & Lourdes G. Contreras, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Italian Studies

While graduate research training is generally tailored to a specific and narrow subject area, graduate students are often asked to teach or TA courses on a wide range of topics. This might include a survey course in which your area of expertise is just one small component, a course on a topic selected to increase […]

  • Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
    Seminar Room, 6th Floor

Teaching Outside of the Tenure Track

Facilitator: Drs. Steven Weitzman, Ella Darivoff Director, Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies & Abraham M. Ellis Professor of Hebrew and Semitic Languages and Literatures, Religious Studies; Natalie B. Dohrmann, Associate Director, Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies & Adjunct Professor, Religious Studies; and Anne Oravetz Albert, Klatt Family Director for Public Programs, Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, Lecturer, History

The vocation of teaching in Religious Studies and related disciplines is not restricted to those scholars who hold tenure-track jobs, and its audience is not restricted to undergraduate and graduate students. In this workshop, Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Director Steve Weitzman, Associate Director Natalie Dohrmann, and Director of Public Programs Anne Albert will […]

  • Hayden Hall

Teaching (and more) with Tech

Facilitator: Ananth Srinivas, 6th year PhD Candidate, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Are you feeling like you want to engage with your students through tech? Do you hope to make your presentations and materials more interactive? Do you want some different ideas on aesthetics and design on your material? Join us for a workshop with Ananth on the power of technology in the classroom and in your […]

  • Towne Building

Lessons Learned from Implementing Structured Active Learning for an Undergrad Course

Facilitator: Dr. Kevin T. Turner, Professor, Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Van Pelt Library
    Class of 1968 Seminar Room

Teaching and Mentorship in the Research Lab

Facilitator: Aoife O'Farrell, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Bioengineering & Taylor Tomlinson, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Chemistry

Planning to mentor an undergrad or rotation student in the research lab this summer or fall? Hear from our experienced panelists about tips, tricks, and benefits of mentorship in the lab setting. Food will be provided! All graduate students welcome! Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.  

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

Leveraging Generative AI to Develop Practice Questions

Facilitator: CETLI Staff

In this session, we’ll explore prompts and strategies to optimize the use of generative AI tools like Bing, ChatGPT, and Gemini to develop and refine practice questions for students. Participants will have an opportunity to experiment with prompting AI tools during the session and will discuss their experiences in generating questions that align with their […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room 134

Teaching a Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Class

Facilitator: Drs. Mona B. Merling, Mathematics & Donovan O. Schaefer, Religious Studies

Faculty teaching co-listed undergraduate and graduate classes face the challenge of designing a class for students who have different preparation, different expertise and different motivations for taking the course.  This conversation will feature Mona Merling from Math and Donovan Schaefer from Religious Studies who will share how they create classes that support learning for both […]

  • PCPSE (Perelman Poli Sci and Econ)

Big Lessons From Teaching Large Classes

Facilitator: Dr. Anne Duchene, Senior Lecturer, Economics

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Economics department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Van Pelt Library
    4th Floor, Room 425 (past Ormandy Center)

Music to Your Students’ Ears: Library Resources for TAs and Instructors

Facilitator: Liza Vick, Head of the Otto E. Albrecht Music Library

Music librarian Liza Vick will walk graduate students through the available resources for incorporating music into their teaching materials. This workshop is appropriate for both music and humanities TAs and instructors, as well as graduates from any other disciplines who are interested in incorporating musical sound in their teaching. All graduate students are welcome. This event […]

  • Leidy Labs

Active Learning in the Upper Level STEM Classroom

Facilitator: Dr. Brian Gregory, Professor, Biology

Active learning can be an incredible tool to help many students learn and succeed in the classroom. In this workshop we will hear from Dr. Brian Gregory about the active learning strategies he employs in his upper level biology course Genomic Sciences and Genomic Medicine. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of […]

  • Lerner Center

Every Day is a Good Day: Cultivating Connection in the Music Classroom, Featuring Eugene Lew

Facilitator: Eugene Lew, Director of Sound & Music Technology, Music

Join veteran music instructor Eugene Lew for a conversation about project-based learning, working across disciplines, and building collaborative relationships in and out of the classroom. Eugene will share how he integrates his experience with experimental music into the classroom to facilitate a culture of discovery and exploration. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    134 (CETLI Seminar Room)

Trans-Affirming Pedagogy in Language Classrooms: Creating and Modifying Course Materials

Facilitator: Dr. Julia Heim, Italian Studies

This workshop will provide practical approaches to trans-affirming pedagogy in language classrooms. We will discuss specific strategies for creating and modifying course materials that rely on gendered terms across languages. Participants are encouraged to bring and share trans-inclusive teaching strategies and course materials that have worked well for them in previous classroom settings. Open to […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    134 (CETLI Seminar Room)

Lecture Delivery Methods In STEM: How to Effectively Convey Knowledge

Facilitator: Artemis Panagopoulou, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Computer & Information Science & Marcus Tomaino, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Economics

What are different delivery methods to communicate technical information to students and when can each be applied? This workshop will explore different ways to teach STEM and quantitative classes focusing on effective uses of presentations, chalk talks, and in-class exercises. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Moore Building

Teaching and Generative AI: A Shock to the System…. and an Opportunity?

Facilitator: Drs. Christopher Callison-Burch, Associate Professor, Computer and Information Science & Lilach Mollick, Director of Pedagogy, Wharton Interactive

As the educational landscape evolves with technological advancements, the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) in college-level classrooms presents both opportunities and challenges. This seminar, co-facilitated by Dr. Lilach Mollick, the Director of Pedagogy at Wharton Interactive, who specializes in the development of AI-based pedagogical strategies and has created tools implemented in classrooms globally, and […]

  • Cohen Hall

Teaching Polarizing Topics

Facilitator: Dr. Anthea Butler, Religious Studies

Students have social and political concerns that can enter into the classroom depending on the topic. How do we teach topics like religion, race, and gender during politically charged times? How can we facilitate productive discussions in the classroom? What kinds of pushback should we anticipate from students, and how can we mitigate it before it […]

  • Lerner Center

Feminist Pedagogies with Dr. Mary Caldwell

Facilitator: Dr. Mary C. Caldwell, Associate Professor, Music

Musicology faculty Mary Caldwell shares how feminism informs her teaching and mentoring practices. Zoom available. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Music department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Van Pelt Library
    134 (CETLI Seminar Room)

Exploring Identity in Pedagogy

Facilitator: Ari Gzesh, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Social Policy & Practice, and Kyndall Nicholas, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Neuroscience

This workshop delves into the influence of identity on teaching and learning. Participants will examine their own identities and biases, recognizing how these factors shape classroom dynamics and instructional strategies, and how to foster student engagement. The workshop addresses power dynamics and privilege in education, emphasizing the importance of creating inclusive learning environments. Participants will […]

  • Leidy Labs

Teaching Large Lecture Based Courses in STEM

Facilitator: Dr. John D. Wagner, Senior Lecturer, Biology

Teaching large lecture based courses presents its own opportunities and challenges. Dr. John Wagner has taught Introductory Biology for a number of years among a diversity of other biology courses. In this workshop Dr. John Wagner will discuss the strategies he uses to address the challenges and opportunities faced in large lecture based courses. All […]

  • Chemistry Labs, '73 Wing
    Vagelos 3000

Critical Reading of Scientific Papers

Facilitator: Dr. Elizabeth Rhoades, Chemistry

This workshop is focused on strategies to critically read scientific articles and how TAs can help students' reading development. Join us for a discussion of fostering critical reading skills and actionable ways to implement these techniques in the classroom. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Chemistry department, and so may […]

  • Towne Building

Unlocking Mathematical Intuition: Strategies for Teaching Technical Classes

Facilitator: Dr. Val B. Tannen, Professor, Computer & Information Science

How can educators better communicate concepts of mathematical intuition over rote formula memorization? This seminar, facilitated by Professor Val Tannen who has extensive experience in teaching mathematically intensive courses to a broad range of students - ranging from undergraduates to graduates, including those in online settings - focuses on discussing effective methodologies for imparting complex […]

  • Hayden Hall

Teaching Across Disciplines: Teaching Non-Major Students

Facilitator: Dr. Alain Plante, Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences

The liberal arts undergraduate curriculum at Penn requires all undergraduates to fulfill general education requirements in STEM fields (Sectors V, VI and VII; Quantitative Data Analysis) regardless of their background preparation and interests. This poses specific challenges for teaching STEM content and skills to non-STEM majors. This workshop will focus on thinking beyond WHAT we […]

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

Teaching at Penn and After: Alumni Reflect on Their Time at Penn

Facilitator: Drs. Gino Pauselli, Postdoctoral Fellow, Niehaus Center, Princeton University; Katie Rader, Assistant Professor, Christopher Newport University; and Gabriel Salgado, Assistant Professor, Trinity College

What resources on Penn helped most in a future career? How does that differ in academia and careers outside of academia? What words of advice would current professors give their grad student former selves? Join recent alumni from the Penn Political Science Department, including Gino Pauselli (Princeton), Katie Rader, (Christopher Newport University), and Gabe Salgado […]

  • Skirkanich Hall
    114 (Greenberg Lounge)

Teaching Scientists How to Communicate

Facilitator: Dr. Arjun Raj, Professor, Bioengineering

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Bioengineering department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Zoom (Register for Link)

Positions at Liberal Arts Colleges

Facilitator: Drs. Alice Gindin, Assistant Professor, Economics, Middlebury College, and Ashwin Kambhampati, Assistant Professor, Economics, United States Naval Academy

What are liberal arts colleges and how do they differ from other academic institutions? What's the balance of research versus teaching commitments for professors at liberal arts colleges? What do hiring committees at these institutions look for in applicants? Join recent Penn Econ alumni Alice Gindin (Assistant Professor, Middlebury College) and Ashwin Kambhampati (Assistant Professor, […]

  • Chemistry Labs, '73 Wing
    Vagelos 2000

Backwards Course Design: Design Courses “Backwards”

Facilitator: Dr. Andrew Zahrt, Assistant Professor, Chemistry

In this workshop, TAs will learn how to design their own courses using intended learning objectives. This student-centered approach will focus course design on students gaining desired skills and knowledge through measurable objectives. TAs will get the opportunity to design their own course with peers and receive feedback. All disciplines are welcome. Counts toward the […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    Collaborative Classroom (Van Pelt 113)

CETLI Course Design Institute

Facilitator: CETLI Staff

The 2024 Course Design Institute is full. If you are interested, you can register for the waitlist. Whether you are designing a new course, looking to revise an old one, or generally curious about how to maximize student learning and engagement in your course, CETLI invites you to register for the annual Course Design Institute […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room 134

Creating a Welcoming Canvas Site

Facilitator: CETLI Staff

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll begin building a Canvas site that engages and supports students throughout your course. You’ll learn how to effectively use tools for organizing content, keeping students on track, and focusing students’ attention on the most important information.

  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room 134

Preparing for Discussions Across Difference

Facilitator: CETLI Staff

Discussions across difference allow students to see multiple sides of an issue, reflect on their own positions, and develop the critical skills to be better thinkers and citizens. While the benefits are clear, instructors sometimes are anxious to start conversations that engage differences either because they fear students will refuse or because they fear the […]