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CETLI Events Calendar

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  2. Graduate Student Workshop

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  • Meyerson Hall
    3rd Floor North Conference Room

Teaching as a Practice of Exit: Rethinking Architectural Pedagogies Beyond Institutions

Facilitator: Eduardo Rega Calvo, Architecture

This workshop explores teaching architectural design as well as history and theory as a practice of exit—one that convenes spaces of collective study, engages with movements for liberation, and imagines strategies for stepping beyond the institutions of the modern-colonial world-system. Through examples from his own teaching experience, Eduardo Rega Calvo will discuss ways to create […]

  • GSE Building (Graduate School of Education)

Navigating Divisive Political Conversations in the Classroom

Facilitator: Dr. Rand Quinn, Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems Division

University classrooms are not isolated from the broader political climate. Students inevitably bring their personal experiences, perspectives, and evolving political commitments into the classroom, even in courses that seem “apolitical.” As educators, we are called to create classroom environments where students can participate freely while ensuring that discourse remains respectful and constructive. This workshop will […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    Collaborative Classroom, 113

Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices

Facilitator: Professor Mona Merling, Mathematics; Dr. Marion Alberty, Princeton's Prison Teaching Initiative; and Maxine Calle, Prison Teaching Initiative Fellow, Mathematics

This workshop will introduce instructors to the principles of trauma-informed teaching and facilitate discussion around fostering trauma-informed classrooms. Facilitators will motivate the importance of these practices based on teaching experiences both inside and outside of the prison classroom, highlighting the positive impacts that these techniques have on students. Participants will leave with actionable plans for […]

  • Levine Hall

Live Coding

Facilitator: Harry Smith, Computer & Information Science

In this workshop, we discuss the practice of live coding — where the instructor writes code in real-time in front of students — through the lens of senior lecturer Harry Smith's experiences with integrating this technique into his classes. Questions we examine may include: What are the benefits and risks of live coding? What kinds […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room, 134

What is a Teaching Statement, and How do I Start Writing One?

Facilitator: Jonathan Dick, CETLI Fellow, English; and Rebecca S. Winkler, CETLI Fellow, Anthropology

Teaching statements—sometimes called statements of teaching philosophy—are documents required of most candidates on the academic job market. As the name implies, teaching statements describe a candidate’s approach to pedagogy and are often supplemented with examples drawn from the recitations, lectures, office hours, labs, and classrooms in which a candidate has taught. This exploratory workshop gives […]

  • Annenberg School

Handling Student Emergencies

Facilitator: Dr. Litty Paxton, Annenberg School for Communication

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Annenberg School for Communication, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fagin Hall

Utilizing Student Evaluation Data for Course Development

Facilitator: Dr. Allison Buttenheim, Family and Community Health

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the School of Nursing, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. This will be a hybrid workshop. Zoom links will be sent to those wishing to join virtually. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Van Pelt Library
    Collaborative Classroom, 113

Inquiry-Based Lesson Development

Facilitator: Tiffany Nguyen, CETLI Fellow, Classical Studies; and Jessica Shi, CETLI Fellow, Computer & Information Science

Inquiry-based learning gives students the opportunities to develop their own questions on the course material and engage in open-ended investigations of these questions. In this workshop, participants will work through how to develop inquiry-based lesson plans for their own particular class needs. This is a hands-on workshop, and participants should come with a prepared lesson […]

  • Meyerson Hall
    3rd Floor North Conference Room

Learning and Unlearning Our Education

Facilitator: Dr. Daniela Fabricius, Architecture

Which pedagogical models have shaped you as an educator, whether consciously or unconsciously? What can we learn—and unlearn—from our own experiences as students? Professor Fabricius will discuss uncovering the pedagogical thinking that has influenced us, and how we can use this knowledge to inspire the way we want to teach. All graduate students are welcome. […]

  • Penn Museum

Teaching Undergraduates in the Field

Facilitator: Dr. Megan Kassabaum, Anthropology

This is part of a two part series on teaching undergraduates in the field and the lab, stay tuned for Part 2 with Biological Anthropologists and Members of the Center for the Analysis of Archaeological Materials on teaching lab based courses! Field courses and field methods courses are common at many universities and might be a […]

  • Fagin Hall

Preparing to Teach: Perspectives from ESL Faculty

Facilitator: Drs. Se Hee Min, Family and Community Health; and Hyejeong Hong, Biobehavioral and Health Sciences

This workshop will feature a panel discussion on strategies for leading a classroom in English as an instructor who speaks English as a second language. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the School of Nursing, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. This will be […]

  • Williams Hall

Professional Conferences as Teaching Opportunities

Facilitator: Professor Christopher Atwood, East Asian Languages and Civilizations

Prof. Atwood will talk about how graduate students can present their work at conferences in a more accessible manner (which is not unlike delivering a lecture to a group of students), and how they can incorporate their research into their teaching. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the East […]

  • DRL (David Rittenhouse Laboratories)

Designing Effective Assessments

Facilitator: Dr. Robin Pemantle, Mathematics

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Mathematics department, and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    135, Faculty Lounge

Teaching Demonstrations

Facilitator: Dr. Caroline Batten, English

Teaching Demonstrations are important parts of campus visits that often get overshadowed by a candidate's job talk preparations. This workshop will introduce participants to the teaching demonstration as a genre, focusing specifically on the formal features that committees look for when they watch you give one. In addition to answering basic questions about what a […]

  • Van Pelt Library
    CETLI Seminar Room, 134

Structuring Engaging Assignments

Facilitator: Tess Bernhard, CETLI Fellow, Education; and Henrique Laurino Dos Santos, CETLI Fellow, Marketing

In this workshop, participants will explore how to structure assignments that are engaging and supportive for students. Participants will discuss case studies and assignment examples, and workshop their own assignments to develop strategies to make assignments clearer, more interesting, and ultimately more useful for both themselves and their students. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate