Spark Innovation Grant recipients Karl Stark (LDI), Zachary Herrmann (GSE), and Gillian Daar (GSE) share how the grant encouraged and supported experimentation in their online programs.
Heather Sharkey discusses the impact teaching with Wikipedia has had on her and shares her LibGuide to help faculty integrate Wikipedia into their teaching.
Joseph Kable and Chris Benitez and Karen Lasater and Jennifer Gil discuss how they became effective teaching teams for SAIL courses at Penn.
On Thursday, December 5 we are celebrating Rebecca Stein’s legacy of innovation as she retires from the University of Pennsylvania. Please use this form to submit a message to Rebecca, […]
In 2023-2024, CETLI co-led the Slack for Online Learning at Penn technology pilot to find innovative ways to build community for online students at Penn.
In a recent Omnia article, Co-Executive Director Bruce Lenthall shared the impact of SAIL on student learning.
Political Science professor Marc Meredith shared lessons from instructors across Penn about how to make courses fair and accessible for all students.
Faculty Stories: AI in the Classroom
Provost John L. Jackson. Jr. and deputy provost Beth A. Winkelstein have announced Julia Lynch as the new faculty co-director of CETLI.
Masao Sako and Bhuvnesh Jain have used Generative AI tools in both independent assignments and group work to help students accelerate their learning in introductory STEM courses. Â
Faculty across Penn are designing assignments that enhance student learning with LLMs, while also empowering students to challenge those same tools.
Feature Stories
Outstanding teachers abound across Penn. The University and its schools recognize some of those excellent teachers every year with teaching awards. University-Wide Teaching Awards Provost’s Office Awards The Provost’s Office […]
On this page, CETLI shares insights, awards, and the latest news on innovations in online learning and teaching excellence. Using Reflection and Student Evaluation to Become a Better Teacher “I […]
Academic integrity is a core consideration in promoting student learning. CETLI provides academic integrity resources to support instructors of all courses, whether online or in person. This page provides additional […]
A distinguishing feature of online teaching and learning is the potential for creating permanent assets, such as lecture recordings, images, screenshots, and electronic resources that persist outside the classroom, across […]
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), 19% of post-secondary students identify as having a disability (NCES, 2022). This means you will likely have students with disabilities in […]
Each instructor is responsible for setting their own policies around student use of generative AI. This page provides resources and examples for developing and communicating a course policy that reflects […]
This page provides examples for designing AI out of or into your assignments. These ideas are intended to provide a starting point as you consider how assignment design can limit […]
The evolution of generative artificial intelligence, or AI, raises questions about how we ask students to think, what skills they will need, and which assignments and course policies can best […]