Maintaining Connection, Cultivating Community
Teaching remotely, particularly in this time of social distancing, may leave some students feeling disconnected from their studies in general. However, maintaining connection and cultivating community can give students a sense of purpose, structure, and academic engagement in this time. In this discussion, participants will explore ideas, messages, and course elements to help students feel […]
Conversing Across Space and Time: Using Discussion Boards and Other Asynchronous Collaborations
In this conversation we will share ideas about how to reach our goals for discussion without having everyone present at the same time. We will consider questions and structures that have worked well in discussion forums, as well as strategies for keeping students engaged, motivated and interacting with you and their peers.Please register to receive […]
Revisiting the Research Paper for Remote Teaching
This session will bring together faculty to discuss expectations for student research papers as all work is now done online. How can we modify assignments so that undergraduate or graduate students can still participate in rigorous research, even if they no longer have access to all sources? Participants will consider strategies to facilitate students’ engagement […]
Grappling with Contemporary Issues in Historical Texts
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Romance Languages department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
The Art of the Remote Recitation: Facilitating Synchronous Online Discussions
For TAs whose recitations are continuing remotely, and for graduate student instructors of small, discussion-based classes, moving conversations online in synchronous sessions presents pedagogical challenges, but may also create opportunities. In this conversation we will share experiences and strategies, with a view to preparation (our own and our students’), facilitation (including use of breakout groups), […]
Revisiting and Revising Your Assessments in Your Course
This conversation will allow faculty to discuss how they are reconsidering assignments and assessments as they move to remote teaching. The discussion will consider both questions related to academic integrity and online exams, as well as ways to rethink assignments so that students can show what they have learned in ways that work well in […]
Teaching Problem-Solving Remotely Via Recitations and Office Hours
Many graduate student instructors in STEM fields and the quantitative social sciences are now facing the challenge of teaching problem-solving skills from a distance, both in recitation sections and online office hours. In this session participants will share their experiences and ideas about how to work effectively with students, and how to foster productive group […]
Maintaining Connection & Cultivating Community
Teaching remotely, particularly in this time of social distancing, may leave some students feeling disconnected from their studies in general. However, maintaining connection and cultivating community can give students a sense of purpose, structure, and academic engagement in this time. TAs may play a vital role in this regard, based on their existing relationships with […]
Active Learning
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Physics and Astronomy department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Conversing Across Space and Time: Using Discussion Boards and Other Asynchronous Collaborations
In this conversation we will share ideas about how to reach our goals for discussion without having everyone present at the same time. We will consider questions and structures that have worked well in discussion forums, as well as strategies for keeping students engaged, motivated and interacting with you and their peers.Please register to receive […]
Maintaining Connection, Cultivating Community
Teaching remotely, particularly in this time of social distancing, may leave some students feeling disconnected from their studies in general. However, maintaining connection and cultivating community can give students a sense of purpose, structure, and academic engagement in this time. In this discussion, participants will explore ideas, messages, and course elements to help students feel […]
The Art of the Remote Recitation: Facilitating Synchronous Online Discussions
For TAs whose recitations are continuing remotely, and for graduate student instructors of small, discussion-based classes, moving conversations online in synchronous sessions presents pedagogical challenges, but may also create opportunities. In this conversation we will share experiences and strategies, with a view to preparation (our own and our students’), facilitation (including use of breakout groups), […]
Adapting Your Course Expectations and Structure for This Moment
In this discussion, faculty will consider how they are using their core goals to guide their adjustments to their course in the new format, being mindful of all students are dealing with right now and technical limitations. Participants will discuss ways they are focusing their courses on what is both manageable and crucial -- and […]
Discussions at a Distance: Using Discussion Boards and Other Asynchronous Collaborations
In this conversation we will share ideas about how to reach our goals for discussion without having everyone in discussion at the same time. We will consider questions and structures that have worked well in discussion forums, as well as strategies for keeping students engaged, motivated and interacting.This session is now full.Please sign up for […]
Revisiting and Revising Your Assessments in Your Course
This conversation will allow faculty to discuss how they are reconsidering assignments and assessments as they move to remote teaching. The discussion will consider both questions related to academic integrity and online exams, as well as ways to rethink assignments so that students can show what they have learned in ways that work well in […]
Running Your Class Remotely: Lecture and Discussion
This workshop provides a guide to conveying course content and promoting discussion and engagement using online learning tools. Participants in this workshop will learn how to get started with Panopto, a tool for recording lectures, and tools like Zoom and BlueJeans that allow students and faculty to speak together in live sessions. We will also […]
Running Your Class Remotely: Lecture and Discussion
This workshop provides a guide to conveying course content and promoting discussion and engagement using online learning tools. Participants in this workshop will learn how to get started with Panopto, a tool for recording lectures, and tools like Zoom and BlueJeans that allow students and faculty to speak together in live sessions. We will also […]
Assessing Learning and Providing Feedback Remotely: Canvas Assignments, Quizzes, and Activities
This workshop explores tools in Canvas that instructors can use to assign and assess student work so students can continue to complete the expectations of the course and reach the instructor’s goals: assignments, quizzes, and discussion boards. We will also explore how to use these tools to give students feedback on assignments so they can […]
Assessing Learning and Providing Feedback Remotely
This workshop explores tools in Canvas that instructors can use to assign and assess student work so students can continue to complete the expectations of the course and reach the instructor’s goals: assignments, quizzes, and discussion boards. We will also explore how to use these tools to give students feedback on assignments so they can […]
Running Your Class Remotely: Lecture and Discussion
This workshop provides a guide to conveying course content and promoting discussion and engagement using online learning tools. Participants in this workshop will learn how to get started with Panopto, a tool for recording lectures, and tools like Zoom and BlueJeans that allow students and faculty to speak together in live sessions. We will also […]
Assessing Learning and Providing Feedback Remotely:
This workshop explores tools in Canvas that instructors can use to assign and assess student work so students can continue to complete the expectations of the course and reach the instructor’s goals: assignments, quizzes, and discussion boards. We will also explore how to use these tools to give students feedback on assignments so they can […]
What Do I Say? Talking with Your Students in this Moment of Transition and Uncertainty
As Penn moves to teaching remotely, students are likely anxious about what it will mean to participate in courses online, we may be concerned about a bumpy transition to a new mode of teaching, and everyone is uncertain about events beyond the classroom in light of COVID-19. In this faculty discussion, we will talk about […]
What Do I Say? Talking with Your Students in this Moment of Transition and Uncertainty
As Penn moves to teaching remotely, students are likely anxious about what it will mean to participate in courses online, we may be concerned about a bumpy transition to a new mode of teaching, and everyone is uncertain about events beyond the classroom in light of COVID-19. In this discussion for graduate student instructors, we […]
Assessing Learning and Providing Feedback Remotely: Canvas Assignments, Quizzes, and Activities
This workshop explores tools in Canvas that instructors can use to assign and assess student work so students can continue to complete the expectations of the course and reach the instructor’s goals: assignments, quizzes, and discussion boards. We will also explore how to use these tools to give students feedback on assignments so they can […]
What Do I Say? Talking with Your Students in this Moment of Transition and Uncertainty
As Penn moves to teaching remotely, students are likely anxious about what it will mean to participate in courses online, we may be concerned about a bumpy transition to a new mode of teaching, and everyone is uncertain about events beyond the classroom in light of COVID-19. In this discussion for graduate student instructors, we […]
Running Your Class Remotely: Lecture and Discussion
This workshop provides a guide to conveying course content and promoting discussion and engagement using online learning tools. Participants in this workshop will learn how to get started with Panopto, a tool for recording lectures, and tools like Zoom and BlueJeans that allow students and faculty to speak together in live sessions. We will also […]
Introduction to Canvas
If you’ve never had a Canvas site before or find Canvas a bit confusing, then this is the workshop for you. This workshop will introduce basic Canvas functions that will allow you to post documents, files, images and videos; organize information for students; and allow students submit work online. Join us for a 45-minute workshop […]
Running Your Class Remotely: Lecture and Discussion
This workshop provides a guide to conveying course content and promoting discussion and engagement using online learning tools. Participants in this workshop will learn how to get started with Panopto, a tool for recording lectures, and tools like Zoom and BlueJeans that allow students and faculty to speak together in live sessions. We will also […]
What Do I Say?: Talking with Your Students in this Moment of Transition and Uncertainty
As Penn moves to teaching remotely, students are likely anxious about what it will mean to participate in courses online, we may be concerned about a bumpy transition to a new mode of teaching, and everyone is uncertain about events beyond the classroom in light of COVID-19. In this faculty discussion, we will talk about […]