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CETLI Events Calendar

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  3. GSE Building (Graduate School of Education)

  • GSE Building (Graduate School of Education)

Teaching Classes Students Think They Are Going to Hate: Lessons From Teaching Intro Quantitative Methods Courses

Facilitator: Dr. Rachel Baker, Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems Division

How do you overcome students’ apprehension and anxieties around your course material? Drawing on Dr. Baker’s experiences teaching introductory statistics, we will discuss pedagogical strategies that can be leveraged to […]

  • GSE Building (Graduate School of Education)

Navigating Divisive Political Conversations in the Classroom

Facilitator: Dr. Rand Quinn, Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems Division

University classrooms are not isolated from the broader political climate. Students inevitably bring their personal experiences, perspectives, and evolving political commitments into the classroom, even in courses that seem “apolitical.” […]