TA Training and Orientation Programs – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

CETLI offers various training and orientation programs for doctoral student and master’s student Teaching Assistants (TAs). These programs introduce Penn practices and equip participants with essential knowledge to be successful in their positions.

CETLI offers a separate orientation for undergraduate TAs and LAs. Visit the Undergraduate Student TA and LA Orientation page for more details.

If you are unsure of which training or orientation you may need to participate in, please email CETLI.

Doctoral Student TA Training

CETLI runs TA Training programs for Doctoral students who are new TAs in Arts and Sciences, Design, Nursing, Annenberg, Wharton, and Engineering at Penn. These trainings equip them to work with students in the classroom or lab, to grade, and to be part of an instructional team. Additionally, experienced TAs can apply to work as TA Trainers.

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Master's Student TA Orientation

All master’s students who are TAing for the first time in Arts and Sciences and Engineering are required to participate in CETLI's orientation program the first semester they are TAs. This program helps prepare participants to help their students thrive and to work professionally with their peers. PhD students TAing in Bioengineering and Materials Science Engineering for the first time should attend this Orientation.

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SAIL TA Training

This semester long training program helps guide TAs and LAs through the active learning process and develop skills that are unique to TAing in SAIL classes. Any student TAing in a SAIL class for the first time can participate.

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