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Feature Stories

Teaching Award Winners

Outstanding teachers abound across Penn. The University and its schools recognize some of those excellent teachers every year with teaching awards. University-Wide Teaching Awards Lindback Awards for Distinguished Teaching Awarded […]

Penn’s Online Course Supports High School Students Navigating the College Application Process

Penn Admissions, in partnership with Heights Philadelphia, recently launched Applying to College 101.

Convincing Your Students You Believe in Them

facilitated by Phil Gressman, Math, and Heather Sharkey, NELC

Teaching in Person in the Present Circumstances: Strategies for Supporting Students

facilitated by James Aguirre, Physics and Astronomy, and Melissa Wilde, Sociology

Getting Students to Connect with Lecture and Each Other Using Poll Everywhere

facilitated by Jeff Saven, Chemistry, and Alex Weisiger, Political Science

Notes from CETLI Faculty Discussions of Teaching

CETLI offers regular faculty discussions on a wide variety of teaching topics. Many have faculty facilitators. To learn about some of the ideas and teaching strategies discussed in select past sessions, […]

Why Boon Thau Loo Says Teaching Online is the Opportunity of a Lifetime

After developing an online operating systems course, Dr. Loo’s rating for the same on-campus course jumped to 3.66 out of 4.0.