Using Inclusive Language in the Language Classroom
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Romance Languages department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
The Balancing Act: Teaching, Research, and Life
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the History department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Getting students to connect to lecture and each other using Poll Everywhere
Instructors sometimes have difficulty getting students to interact with and think seriously about the material presented in class. In this session Jeff Saven of Chemistry and Alex Weisiger of Political Science will discuss different ways to use the polling platform Poll Everywhere to help students learn material, practice for exams and give each other feedback.
How to Incorporate Library Resources and Tools into Language and Culture Classes
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Romance Languages department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Introduction to Ed Discussion
Ed Discussion is a tool for online Q&A and threaded discussion among students or between students, instructors and TAs. It is being piloted at Penn during the 2021-2022 academic year as a potential replacement for Piazza to promote communication, collaboration and problem-solving and to help students better understand course materials. In this session, CETLI staff […]
Balancing flexibility and structure: Communicating and setting expectations with students about deadlines, exams and assignments
How much flexibility is too much flexibility? Many faculty hoped to help students through the pandemic by adding flexibility to their classes but found that students needed more structure to stay on track. On the other hand, too much structure increased student stress. In this conversation Professors Doug Jerolmack and Paul Saint-Amour will discuss questions […]
Technology Tools for Online Communication, Collaboration and Peer Support: Introduction to Ed Discussion
Ed Discussion is a tool for online Q&A and threaded discussion among students or between students, instructors and TAs. It is being piloted at Penn during the 2021-2022 academic year as a potential replacement for Piazza to promote communication, collaboration and problem-solving and to help students better understand course materials. In this session, CETLI staff […]
Connecting your students to each other, to you and to the class materials during the online start of the semester
Helping students feel connected will be particularly challenging in spring of 2022 as Penn begins the semester online. In this session, faculty will discuss ways to get students interacting with each other at the start of class and how to build on those introductions to help students feel a connection to class materials and each […]
Connecting your students to each other, to you and to the class materials during the online start of the semester
Helping students feel connected will be particularly challenging in spring of 2022 as Penn begins the semester online. In this session, faculty will discuss ways to get students interacting with each other at the start of class and how to build on those introductions to help students feel a connection to class materials and each […]
Teaching on Zoom
This presentation and discussion will focus on ways to use Zoom effectively, both to pursue course learning goals and to foster a sense of community and student engagement. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Effectively Reusing Your Recordings
As we start this semester online, instructors may already have lecture recordings, guest lectures, demonstrations, and other videos that can be reused from previous semesters to support student learning. In this session, we will review ways to use the Class Recordings section of Canvas (also known as Panopto) to provide students with access to previous […]
Designing a Canvas Course for Continuity and Transitions
A Canvas course that clearly outlines the semester can help students navigate a semester of transition, successfully starting the semester online and then moving to in-person teaching. This session will consider how instructors can use Canvas to help students find materials online, to communicate deadlines and expectations, and to help students connect to the class […]
Teaching on Zoom
This presentation and discussion will focus on ways to use Zoom effectively, both to pursue course learning goals and to foster a sense of community and student engagement. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Designing a Canvas Course for Continuity and Transitions
A Canvas course that clearly outlines the semester can help students navigate a semester of transition, successfully starting the semester online and then moving to in-person teaching. This session will consider how instructors can use Canvas to help students find materials online, to communicate deadlines and expectations, and to help students connect to the class […]
Technology Tools for Online Communication, Collaboration and Peer Support: Introduction to Ed Discussion
Ed Discussion is a tool for online Q&A and threaded discussion among students or between students, instructors and TAs. It is being piloted at Penn during the 2021-2022 academic year as a potential replacement for Piazza to promote communication, collaboration and problem-solving and to help students better understand course materials. In this session, CETLI staff […]
Teaching on Zoom
This presentation and discussion will focus on ways to use Zoom effectively, both to pursue course learning goals and to foster a sense of community and student engagement. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Technology Tools for Online Communication, Collaboration and Peer Support: Introduction to Ed Discussion
Ed Discussion is a tool for online Q&A and threaded discussion among students or between students, instructors and TAs. It is being piloted at Penn during the 2021-2022 academic year as a potential replacement for Piazza to promote communication, collaboration and problem-solving and to help students better understand course materials. In this session, CETLI staff […]
Talking About Your Teaching on the Job Market
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Religious Studies department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Teaching with Data
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Neuroscience department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Teaching Critical Historical Thinking
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the History department and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Designing a More Inclusive Class for Students with Disabilities
Given that a portion of the students in our classes will have disabilities, considering those students when designing courses can help increase the likelihood that all of our students can thrive in our courses. In this session Zahra Fakhraai of Chemistry and Heather Love of English will discuss multiple modes for presenting information, encouraging student […]
Truth or Freedom: What Rules Should Govern Who Can Speak on University Campuses?
Professor Lustick will lead a workshop on the problem of balancing free speech values and the principle of the University as a marketplace of ideas against positions that instead advocate prioritizing defense of truths and deeply help beliefs about race, discrimination, and sexism, and defense of members of the community at risk for feeling uncomfortable […]
Incremental Learning
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Statistics and Data Science department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
From TA to Instructor: Preparing to Teach Your Own Class
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Religious Studies department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Making Teaching Accessible & Inclusive for Students
Equal opportunity to fully participate in education is a civil right. But how can we, as graduate students, make our classrooms accessible and inclusive for all students? In this session, we will discuss institutional policies and pedagogical practices to create an accessibility-conscious classroom to better meet the needs of all your students. We will discuss […]
Diversity and Inclusivity in Syllabus Design
Diversifying your syllabus is not simply a matter of including diverse voices and ways of knowing, but is something that should be built into every aspect of the course design. This workshop will focus on the language and structure of the syllabus, the various (possible) sections of the syllabus, developing your course goals, selecting diverse […]
Creativity in the Classroom
This session will now be held online. Please register for Zoom link.All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts towards the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Using Canvas’s New Quizzes: Faculty Perspectives on Canvas’s New Quizzing Tool
Starting this semester, all instructors at Penn have access to a new quizzing tool in Canvas called New Quizzes. New Quizzes provides better support for scientific notation and new question types. It features efficient set up options and some ways to make the process of grading easier, including partial credit and rubrics. In this conversation, […]
How to Teach an Introductory Statistics Course
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Statistics department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.
Convincing Your Students That You Believe in Them
Students who think faculty believe they can do amazing things often do amazing things. However, showing students that you have faith in their ability to succeed in your classes can be challenging. How can you convey that belief in a way that rings true for your students? Particularly when the course is challenging for them or they […]