Programs for Postdocs – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

Postdoctoral fellows at Penn are encouraged to take advantage of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Innovation's workshops, mini-courses and observation programs as ways to prepare themselves to be future faculty and to communicate their work more effectively in their field.

Observations & Consultations

CETLI staff from a range of disciplines are available for teaching consultations and observations. Such conversations are non-evaluative and can cover any topic related to one's current or future teaching.

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Postdocs are welcome to attend any of CETLI's teaching workshops for graduate students. Over 100 are offered each year, covering a wide range of subjects and disciplines.



CETLI mini-courses allow postdocs and graduate students to go into greater depth on a variety of teaching topics.

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Introduction to Teaching at Penn for Postdocs

CETLI offers its Introduction to Teaching at Penn program for postdocs in August. This program will support new instructors as they prepare to teach for the first time at Penn. This two-week online program will orient new instructors to some of the specifics related to teaching at Penn as well as guide them to design a course that focuses on student learning using a process of backward design. 

Register for Introduction to Teaching at Penn for Postdocs

Job Market Consultations

Postdocs are encouraged to work with CETLI staff on various aspects of the job market. CETLI is happy to help draft and revise job materials at any stage and to consult on interviews and preparation for presentations.

More specifically, CETLI consults on:

  • Teaching statements
  • Teaching portfolios
  • Preparing for interviews
  • Preparing for teaching demonstrations or presentations

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