Programs for Graduate Students – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

CETLI works to prepare graduate students to be part of an instructional team as TAs or to teach their own classes at Penn. In addition, CETLI has a number of programs and services to help graduate students as they go on the job market and imagine themselves as future faculty.


Each academic year, CETLI offers over 100 teaching workshops, at CETLI and in departments across campus, which are open to all graduate students. These events are conversational and typically allow participants to learn about teaching from experienced faculty.

Graduate Workshop Events

CETLI Graduate Fellows

Each year CETLI selects a cohort of graduate fellows from nominees put forward by departments and programs in recognition of their teaching excellence. Under the mentorship of CETLI staff, the fellows design and deliver teaching workshops, organize conversations on teaching in their departments, and perform peer observations of teaching for graduate students across campus.

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Job Market Consultations

CETLI staff are available to work with graduate students preparing for the academic job market through consultations on cover letters, teaching portfolios, and preparation for screening interviews and campus visits.

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Teaching Certificate

The CETLI Teaching Certificate provides a structure for doctoral students to reflect upon their teaching alongside peers through five workshops, a teaching observation, and a culminating teaching philosophy session. Upon completion, a notation appears on one's transcript.

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TA Training and Orientation Programs

CETLI hosts a variety of TA training and orientation programs for new doctoral, master’s, and PhD student TAs, equipping them to work with students in the classroom or lab, to grade, to work in a SAIL class, and to be part of an instructional team. Schools or departments determine which training their TAs should attend.

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Observations & Consultations

Graduate student instructors may request a teaching observation or consultation with either a CETLI Graduate Fellow or CETLI staff. Staff from a variety of disciplines are available to discuss any aspect of your teaching.

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Cohort-Based Learning Opportunities

CETLI offers cohort-based learning programs that provide structured opportunities to delve into a wide variety of teaching topics, from classroom practices to course design and mentorship. These programs range from four weeks to a full academic year and can count towards the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

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Workshops By Request

CETLI leads teaching workshops by request. For interested schools, departments, programs or other organizations at Penn, CETLI can provide graduate student workshops on a wide range of teaching topics — from course design to classroom strategies to professional development.

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