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CETLI Events Calendar

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  2. Venues
  3. Johnson Pavilion

  • Johnson Pavilion
    Room 209

How to Teach About Research and Scientific Discovery in the STEM Classroom

Facilitator: Marisa Egan, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Cell & Molecular Biology

This event features discussion with a panel of experienced BGS TAs: Hunter Reavis (Cancer Biology), Andrew Marques (Microbiology), and Jeremy Rubin (Biostatistics). Please register if you would like to attend.All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in Biomedical Graduate Studies and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts […]

  • Johnson Pavilion
    Room 209

The Academic Tightrope: Balancing Teaching, Mentoring, and Research in STEM Fields

Facilitator: Marisa Egan, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Cell & Molecular Biology

Marisa Egan will moderate a panel of the following experienced graduate student and post-doc teachers: Jasmine Alexander, PhD: NIH/IRACDA (PennPORT) Postdoctoral Fellow in Sunny Shin's lab Rebecca Glynn: Cancer Biology PhD Candidate in Craig Bassing's lab Heather Schiller: Biology PhD Candidate in Mecky Pohlschröder's lab Vincent Wu: Microbiology PhD Candidate in Mike Betts' lab All […]