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CETLI Events Calendar

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  3. Graduate Student Center

  • Graduate Student Center

Teaching Outside Your Area of Expertise

Facilitator: Bryce Heatherly, CETLI Graduate Fellow, East Asian Languages & Civilizations

Teaching outside one’s area of expertise can sometimes feel daunting and uncomfortable. If strong teaching stems from expertise, how should we facilitate learning in situations where we lack familiarity with the course’s content? In this workshop, we will discuss the challenges of being a ‘content novice’ rather a ‘content expert’ in the classroom, with the […]

  • Graduate Student Center
    2nd Floor conference room

Teaching in this Political Moment

In a time of increased political polarization and tension on the local, national, and global levels, how do we create a classroom environment that facilitates student comfort and intellectual development, while remaining mindful of external stressors affecting both our students, us as instructors, and the university at large? This workshop will reflect on our position […]

  • Graduate Student Center
    Room 305

Teaching Outside of Your Area of Expertise

TAs, and academics in general, are often assigned to teach topics that are outside their main area of expertise. As graduate students, we may be asked to TA an introductory course that covers a much wider range of topics other than our main specialization, or to teach a class that falls completely outside of our […]

  • Graduate Student Center
    Room 305

Working With Struggling Students

This workshop focuses on developing the ability of educators to identify, strategize, and support struggling students over the course of a semester. Students enter Penn with the common goal to succeed, but each student will carry a unique background of challenges and experiences which may impact their ability to succeed. In this workshop, we will […]

  • Graduate Student Center
    2nd Floor Conference Room

What Do We Mean by Class Participation?

In this workshop, we will think critically about what it means to ask students to 'participate' in class. We will interrogate conventional norms of participation and ask broadly how we can foster new ways of engaging students with course material. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Graduate Student Center
    Room 305

How To Get Students To Prepare For Class

This workshop explores strategies and tactics to encourage student preparation for class. From in-class assessments to communicating clear expectations, we will discuss how to ensure students grasp the meaning behind course preparation and more broadly how to meet students where they are. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate. Also counts as a follow-up workshop for […]

  • Graduate Student Center
    Room 305

Mentoring Undergraduate Students

Opportunities to mentor undergraduate students are many and varied for graduate students interested in education. However, it is rare for graduate students to receive guidance or feedback on their mentorship or supervision of undergraduate students. In this workshop we will discuss various mentoring relationships and styles that can create nurturing productive partnerships between graduate students […]