Integrating Computational Tools
As computational tools and thinking become increasingly complex and increasingly integrated into STEM disciplines, the need for using computational tools in the classroom and teaching computational thinking is also increasing. In this workshop we will discuss how to use and integrate computational tools into the classroom with Dr. Benjamin Voight. Dr. Voight has taught Introduction […]
Integrating Active Learning into the General Biology Classroom
Active learning brings about its own unique challenges and advantages. In this workshop we will hear from two professors, Dr. Doris Wagner and Dr. Nicholas Betley, who have taught one of the introductory biology courses for many years. Several years ago, they were both a part of overhauling the curriculum to include active learning strategies. […]
Teaching Lab Courses in STEM
The laboratory course format found in many STEM disciplines presents its own unique challenges and opportunities. And so teaching these kinds of courses well may, at times, require a different set of skills and strategies. In this workshop we will hear from experienced lab manager, Dr. Linda J. Robinson, and will discuss these challenges, opportunities, […]
Room 101
Adding Active Learning to Science Courses
All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Biology department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.