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CETLI Events Calendar

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  2. Venues
  3. Fisher-Bennett Hall

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall

Teaching and school and life, oh my!

Facilitator: Professor Doug Jerolmack, Earth & Environmental Sciences

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Earth & Environmental Sciences department and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall

Teaching Smaller Classes

Facilitator: Professor Hugo Ulloa, Earth & Environmental Sciences

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Earth & Environmental Sciences department and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    135 (Faculty Lounge)

Integrating Creative Play as a Multimodal Learning Strategy: In-class Strategies for Equitable Teaching

Facilitator: Bethany Swann, Graduate Fellow for Inclusive & Equitable Teaching, English

This workshop establishes a working definition of multimodal learning and invites participants to enter into a generative session that considers how to adapt creative techniques that reward risk and encourage curiosity. We'll have an open discussion about modeling learning approaches that veer from the rhetorical modes that tend to dominate the writing-oriented classroom. This workshop […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 135 (Faculty Lounge)

Difficult Issues in the Classroom: University Policies and Resources

Facilitator: Jane Robbins Mize, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

This departmental workshop is designed to provide instructors with the information and resources they need to know in order to lead safe and equitable classrooms. Representatives from CAPS, Student Disability Services, CETLI, and GSWS will be present. All English graduate-student instructors are strongly encouraged to attend. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

The Art of the Syllabus

Facilitator: Dana Cypress, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Digital Media in the Classroom

Facilitator: Dana Cypress, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Introducing Students to Archives

Facilitator: Dana Cypress, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Introducing Students to the Field

Facilitator: Dana Cypress, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Teaching Popular Culture

Facilitator: Dana Cypress, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Evaluating Student Work

Facilitator: Dana Cypress, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Leading Discussions

Facilitator: Dana Cypress, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Student Presentations: Protocols, Tweaks, and Alternatives

Facilitator: Howie Tam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

This workshop asks us to examine carefully a pedagogical practice widely used across disciplines: the student presentation. For what purpose do instructors ask their students to present their learning to the class? What kind of learning do we facilitate with this practice? How may we help our students prepare for their presentations? Other issues we […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Creative Assignments and Ways to Evaluate Them

Facilitator: Howie Tam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

In this workshop, which includes an experiential learning exercise, we will address creative and alternative assignments that give students diverse skillsets and critical tools. We will reflect on how to scale assignments for different class sizes, pros and cons of using creative assignments, and methods of assessment that ensure grade fairness and make learning visible […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 135 (Faculty Lounge)

The Art and Craft of the Syllabus

Facilitator: Howie Tam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

This workshop will focus on the structure and elements of the syllabus, a document of mixed genre between a contract and a guideline. We will discuss different strategies to adapt the syllabus to various class sizes, student levels, and term lengths. Through examples, which participants are welcome to bring, we will reflect on the pros […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

What Is A “Difficult” Subject and How Should We Teach It?

Facilitator: Howie Tam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

The classroom can be a semipublic space that cultivates productive defamiliarization and exposure, but it can also trigger traumas and biases in students. This workshop confronts complicated questions about what makes a subject “difficult”—if so, for whom?—and different approaches toward an inclusive learning environment that demands rather than avoids rigorous thinking on highly charged issues. […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Different Ways of Teaching Theory

Facilitator: Howie Tam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

This workshop focuses on various ways instructors can teach theory in a humanities classroom. This discussion puts pressure on the divide between primary texts and theory by asking: How can we guide students to theoretical concerns through source materials? How do we teach close reading of theoretical texts? Other topics include: addressing the inherent bias […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Creating An Inclusive Classroom for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Students

Facilitator: Howie Tam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

In this workshop, we will address challenges and opportunities in creating an inclusive classroom for trans and gender nonconforming students. Topics include: how to facilitate discussions that allow for respectful viewpoint diversity on gender and sexuality issues, how to handle classroom conflicts stemming from transphobia or unintentional mistakes, setting boundaries for tasking trans and GNC […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Accessibility and Inclusion for Students and Instructors with Disabilities

Facilitator: Howie Tam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

This workshop aims to address the issues faced by students and instructors with disabilities in the classroom and provides a forum where students and instructors may share pedagogical strategies that will help create an inclusive space for all. Topics of discussion include: universal design, early awareness of students’ needs, the role of the Student Disabilities […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 330 (Grad Lounge)

Supporting Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Students

Facilitator: Najnin Islam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

This workshop will consider how to support trans and gender non-conforming students in classroom settings and in the culture of your department. We will discuss best practices for making the classroom a gender inclusive space, as well as how to make meetings, workshops and other departmental events welcoming to trans and gender non-conforming people. We […]

  • Fisher-Bennett Hall
    Room 135 (Faculty Lounge)

Teaching Theory and Criticism

Facilitator: Najnin Islam, CETLI Graduate Fellow, English

How can we introduce theory, make it accessible to our students while remaining faithful to its nuance and complexity? Does teaching theory require a different set of pedagogical approaches? Or is it more effective to treat it as coplanar with “primary” literary and cultural texts? Finally, how might we prepare students to critique the insights […]