Chris Murphy, CIS 350: "Software & Design Engineering"
A goal of this course is to prepare students for a career as a software engineer by giving them a sense of belonging within the field.
This can only happen if all members of the course community—the instructor, TAs, and students—work together to create a supportive, inclusive environment that welcomes all students, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, religious beliefs, physical or mental health status, or socioeconomic status. Diversity, inclusion, and belonging are all core values of this course. All participants in this course deserve to and should expect to be treated with respect by other members of the community.
Lectures, office hours, and group working time should be spaces where everyone feels welcome and safe. In order to facilitate a welcoming environment, students of this course are expected to:
- Exercise consideration and respect in their speech and actions.
- Attempt collaboration and consideration, including listening to opposing perspectives and authentically and respectfully raising concerns, before conflict.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
Zahra Fakhraai, CHEM 248: "Physical Chemistry II"
Please remember that groups are only effective if everyone treats each other with respect. You are encouraged to communicate your thoughts, but please also allow others in your group to also express their thoughts. You will be surprised how much you can learn by mutual respect of each other's ideas, even if you are knowledgeable about a subject. Remember that you learn best by teaching a subject. Try to be receptive to constructive criticism, and open about accepting mistakes. Please come to the class prepared and take ownership of your group's success.