Missed Exams & Quizzes – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

There may be circumstances where students are unable to make a mid-term or quiz. Providing a policy for students can avoid negotiations and can help students feel less stressed about this situation.

For Finals

There is a set of policies that govern final exams, including policies for students who cannot take their final:

  • There is an official make up period (the first week of spring or fall semester) for any student who has to miss an exam due to illness, death in the family, religious observance, or some other unusual circumstance.
  • Students who have three final exams in one day can reschedule the exam that takes place in the middle. That exam can be rescheduled during the final exam period if the student and instructor can agree on a date or it can be held during the official make up period.

Student Health Services will not provide notes verifying student illnesses. Therefore, you should design policies that do not require medical confirmation. Should a student miss a midterm and not reach out to you, you should contact the student's advising office.

Sample Language

Connie Scanga, Nursing 164: "Integrated Human Anatomy, Physiology & Physical Assessment II"

Makeup tests, quizzes and assessments will be given without penalty ONLY in the event of an excused absence when the instructor has been notified before the evaluation is given. Acceptable excuses for missing an examination or quiz are death, serious illness, court appearance, or personal crisis. Documentation (e.g., notification via online Course Absence Notice) must be provided before the class in which the evaluation is administered. Unexcused absences from exams and quizzes will result in significant point penalties. A student may take no more than one penalty-free makeup assessment (i.e., quiz or examination) per semester.

Phil Gressman Math 104: "Calculus"

In most cases, a missed exam or assignment cannot be made up. If you have a medical or other emergency which physically prevents you from taking an exam or submitting an assignment on time, you may be eligible for an exception. The accommodations granted in such cases will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Appropriate accommodations may include dropping the assignment from your grade, shifting grade weight from one assignment to another future assignment, or special make-up work permission.

In particular, if you are going to be absent from class or recitation for some reason, you should notify your TA and/or the professor beforehand if at all possible and register your absence through the Course Absence Report (CAR) system.