Late Papers – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

Instructors can save time and ensure that the students are treated fairly if they provide a policy for late work.

Remember: Student Health Services will not provide notes verifying student illnesses. Therefore, instructors should not ask for a medical verification. Should a student's work regularly appear late, you should contact the student's advising office.

Sample Language

Donovan O. Schaefer, RELS 102: "Sacred Stuff: Religious Bodies, Places, and Objects"

For every day or part-day late, an essay will be assigned a 2 point penalty.

Michael Gamer, ENGL 101: "Jane Austen and Adaptation"

During the semester, we will not accept late work. In the case of the essay deadlines for the mid-semester or longer essays, this will not directly affect your grade because of the portfolio system; you simply lose that opportunity for us to read your work in draft and provide you with feedback. So, it's always better to hand in something. We do this to avoid the hassle of excuses, requests for extensions, etc. As with absences, please do not write to us asking for extensions; instead, hand in something on the date the draft is due so you can receive feedback.

As the due date for the portfolio is the only real deadline of the semester; let's keep it simple and hand it in on time. Late portfolios will be penalized 1/3 of a grade per day, including weekends.

Heather Sharkey, NELC 036: "The Middle East Through Many Lenses"

Extensions for papers are not routinely granted. Late papers will be subject to daily five-point penalty deductions. The professor will not accept papers that are more than one week late.

S.M. Guerin, ARTH 101: "Art and Civilization before 1400"

Without prior arrangement, late assignments will not be accepted. Students will be given a mark of zero if the assignment is not handed in by the end of class on the due date.