Course Costs – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

Increasingly, instructors are aware that students may struggle to buy the materials they need to for class. Many offer students less expensive options and explain them in their syllabus.

Sample Language

Camielle Charles, SOCI 2010: "Social Statistics"

Social Statistics for a Diverse Society (8th edition), by Chava Frankfort-Nachmias & Anna Leon-Guerrero (Sage Publications, 2017). ISBN: 9781506347202. The cost at the Penn Bookstore is $122 for a bundle that provides both a paperback copy of the book and an e-book. An e-book only option is available from the publisher here (about $57 for 180 days). New and used paperback (no e-book) copies are available at (rent for $31.07, purchase used for $47.89, purchase new for $95.00); both Amazon Kindle and Google Play also have electronic options for around $79. There are also copies of the text on reserve in the library, and I keep a few extra copies in my office. If you have any difficulties or concerns about access to required materials, please come and talk to me; I am confident that I can be helpful, and am happy to do so.

The statistical software package you will use to analyze data is SPSS. Computers equipped with SPSS are available in UDAL (1st floor, McNeil) and in MMETS and Van Pelt. A one-semester license for SPSS is available for purchase at the Computer Connection in the Penn Bookstore for $55. If you want to be able to work on your lab assignments and your paper from anywhere and at any time, I strongly recommend purchasing this license. Here too, please let me know if you need assistance with obtaining access to the software.

Gwedolyn DuBois Shaw, ARTH 1020 Renaissance to Contemporary

All REQUIRED readings are posted on Canvas. There is no textbook for this course, but we RECOMMEND for purchase: Marilyn Stokstad and Michael W. Cothren, Art History (Prentice Hall; vol. II, 4 edition, paperback). Older editions of the textbook are perfectly acceptable for general content but may not contain some images used for testing.

THIS BOOK IS ON RESERVE AT FISHER FINE ARTS and five copies are available to First Generation Low Income (FGLI) students for semester long loan. See the VPUL / FGLI site.