Academic Integrity Statements for Your Syllabus – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

Why Include an Integrity Statement?

Instructors who explain their expectations about integrity (as well as the consequences for not meeting them) help students better understand integrity and its value in academic work.

Of course, including this statement is ONLY a first step. Often instructors discuss their expectations during class as well as before every paper or exam. They also discuss issues that sometime confuse students such as what constitutes an acceptable paraphrase and what constitutes acceptable collaboration.

You may also want to include something about generative AI in your statement. 

Note that almost all statements include a link to the University's Code of Academic Integrity.

Many also include links to:

Sample Statements

Alain Plante, ENVS 100: Introduction to Environmental Science

Students are expected to be familiar with and comply with Penn's Code of Academic Integrity, which is available in the Pennbook, or online at I generally have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating, and all violations will result in substantial penalties. If you have any doubts or questions about what constitutes academic misconduct, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Robyn Sanderson PHYS5533 - Galactic Dynamics with Gaia

Participants are expected to abide by the Penn Code of Academic Integrity in letter and spirit. Scientific research is a collaborative endeavor that depends on proper acknowledgment of each person’s contributions to a project: this holds in this course as it does in general.

Mary C. Caldwell, MUSC 2300: Introduction to European Art Music

Intellectual development requires honesty, responsibility, and doing your own work. Taking ideas or words from others—plagiarism—is dishonest and will result in a failing grade on the paper or assignment and possibly other disciplinary actions. If you are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, ask me or consult Academic Integrity at the University of Pennsylvania: A Guide for Students, which can be found here:

Tim Linksvayer, BIOL 102: Introduction to Biology

What happens if I am caught cheating? Our policy in BIOL102 is to send all cases of suspected Academic Integrity violations to the Center for Community Standards & Accountability (CSA). This is not negotiable. In addition, alleged violations of the Code of Academic Integrity are never referred for resolution by mediation. More information about the CSA can be found on its website:

What are the penalties for Academic Integrity violations? Penalties can include suspension from the University and a notation indicating an academic integrity infraction in your academic record. If you think about it, this is an awful outcome for students and families. In addition, you will fail this course and receive an F on your transcript. Yes, we take this very seriously.

What procedures are used to detect cheating in this course? All graded exams will be scanned before being returned to you. Any discrepancy between the returned exam and one resubmitted for a regrade is considered a violation. No materials such as a smartphone are allowed to be used during an exam. Any use of a smartphone during an exam (for any reason) is considered a violation.

Connie Scanga, NURS 164: Integrated Human Anatomy, Physiology & Physical Assessment

All University of Pennsylvania students have the responsibility to know and observe the University's Code of Academic Integrity. The faculty of N163/164 supports this code and expects that students and faculty will conduct themselves in all aspects of the academic process according to this code. Any form of academic dishonesty will be penalized with a failing grade (i.e., zero points) for the assignment, quiz, or examination in which the infringement occurred. Additionally, any violations of the Code may be referred to the Center for Community Standards & Accountability (CSA) for further disciplinary action.

All assignments (including case studies) will be submitted via the TurnitIn feature on Canvas. As you see in the Code of Academic Integrity below, "using the ideas, data, or language of another without specific or proper acknowledgement" is dishonest. We will not accept work that includes copied and pasted information; all information or ideas included in your assignments must be in your own words. If you use ideas of others, whether they are "experts" writing for websites, friends from class, or other individuals, you must provide proper citations and references in the assignment. All references and citations must follow APA format. For your convenience, here is a link to a good tutorial on APA format: