Teaching in Response to Upsetting Events – Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation Skip to main content

Students and instructors may be distressed, angry, or saddened by events like the death of a Penn student, as well as other local or national or global events. This may cause ongoing challenges that make it difficult to focus on academic work, leaving students deeply anxious and instructors unsure how to respond. 

This page includes considerations for your teaching, as well as resources to support you and your students during this time.


Acknowledge What Happened

Simply recognizing such an event is tremendously valuable. You do not need to say a lot if you are not comfortable doing so and in the event of a student death, confidentiality may limit what you know or can say happened. Keep in mind your role is not to act as a therapist or counselor, but students often appreciate if you acknowledge the event. You might choose to open with:

  • "I am saddened (or angered or frustrated) by..." 
  • "I know many of us have been affected by..." 
  • "Recently, many on our campus have been shaken by..." 
  • "It is important for all of us to support one another at these difficult times." 
  • Holding a moment of silence for reflection. 

You may also invite your students to talk about how they want to approach the upsetting issue as a class. 

Keep in mind that in some cases, different students may have very different reactions to the same event, particularly political events. In such cases, acknowledging that people are suffering while avoiding blame or implying everyone should have the same reaction may be useful.

Communicate with your graduate instructors and TAs 

In the event of a student death, faculty should notify the graduate instructors and TAs who are part of their teaching teams as soon as possible to share resources, provide appropriate support, and align on how to do the same for students in the course. This will allow TAs to respond quickly in their recitations and office hours. TAs may also be impacted by these events as well, so consider how you will support them.   


Penn Resources to Share with Your Students

You may also want to let your class know about resources that exist to help them during stressful times. In particular, consider reminding students of:  

You can also consult with Student Counseling yourself to discuss how to support your students. 


Recognize Some Students May Struggle Academically 

Some students may have difficulty focusing or completing their work in the wake of unsettling events. Instructors may want to hold extra office hours or review sessions to give students additional structure for getting through the work. Instructors may also consider extending deadlines while still providing support to help students submit work on time and reaching out to students who appear to be struggling. For additional teaching considerations, visit CETLI’s page on Practices for Teaching Students Living with Stress and Trauma


Discuss the Issue

It is not necessary, but in some classes, it might be appropriate to hold longer conversations about what has happened. Students often appreciate that opportunity. Feel free to consult with CETLI if you are considering such a discussion. 

Depending on what is most helpful for your class as a whole, such a discussion may or may not take place during class time. For example, some faculty have let students know they will set aside extra office hours to process the difficult issue together or to simply connect.

If you are concerned about holding a discussion around politically sensitive topics, you may want to review the University of Michigan's Guidelines for Discussing Difficult or High-Stakes Topics


Penn Resources for Instructors

Remember that these events may also be personally challenging for you. Take time to make sure you are well as you plan to talk with your students.  

For faculty and staff, Penn offers advice for managing stress during uncertain times and has resources to provide support and counseling.