This FAQ is intended to be a resource for staff, administrative teams, and instructors who are seeking guidance on creating online learning experiences, as well as the various technological platforms and offerings available at Penn. If you have additional questions not answered here, contact CETLI.
Online Program Teams
Frequently Asked Questions
CETLI provides a broad range of services including program development consultations, instructional design, management of the Online Learning Platform, market research and insights, student support expertise, communities of practice, and accreditation compliance resources for new and existing for-credit online programs.
The Platform is an interactive e-commerce site that enables the public to browse, apply, pay for, enroll in, and access Penn’s online offerings. Learning experiences listed on the Platform include Penn-hosted non-credit offerings, degrees and certificates, and MOOCs hosted by Coursera and edX. All Penn schools can list their online offerings on the site free of charge.
CETLI offers expert level support for the Platform by managing all UX/UI, application processes, enrollments, payments, and reporting, as well as providing technical and customer support to learners and program teams. If you are interested in developing an online course or program strategy, contact us to set up a meeting.
You can access self-guided materials through Coursera’s Educator Resource Center or edX Docs. Please note that you will need to log in with your Coursera or edX account. You can also email Partner Support to create a support ticket at Coursera or edX. For any additional guidance, please contact us.
CETLI has created an FAQ for Online Student Services Support where you will find guidance on Penn policies, student health, and more.
For more information about the different types of learner experiences at Penn, information about the Online Learning Platform, as well as answers to learner’s frequently asked questions, visit CETLI’s resources page for Learner Support. If you have any questions not answered, please contact us.
If you have a learner with a MOOC related inquiry they should be referred to Coursera’s Learner Help Center or edX’s Learner Help Center.
Online educational experience definitions vary and include different modes, credit options, and timelines. At Penn, online learning experiences are defined as:
- Degrees & For-Credit Certificates: Earn a degree or incorporate credit experiences into a course of study.
- Non-Credit Certificates: Explore topics deeply without earning University of Pennsylvania academic credit.
- Continuing Education Units: Satisfy professional development requirements tailored to a professional field.
- MOOCs: Focus on a specific skill or topic in a 4-6 module (week) non-credit course, hosted on third party platform.
- Series & Specializations: Dive deeper into skills or topics over a series of non-credit courses usually completed in 3-6 months.
Online Instructors
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re a current Penn faculty member, the first step in this process is to identify resources within your home school that can provide information on internal approval processes and program support. You are encouraged to partner with your school’s instructional design staff to support teaching online. In addition, CETLI offers online teaching resources.
If you are unsure of who to contact, CETLI can help by connecting you to those resources.
For guidance on policies related to course creation, university responsibilities, and intellectual property considerations, consider the Faculty Policies Related to Online Teaching.
Online educational experience definitions vary and include different modes, credit options, and timelines. At Penn, online learning experiences are defined as:
- Degrees & For-Credit Certificates: Earn a degree or incorporate credit experiences into a course of study.
- Non-Credit Certificates: Explore topics deeply without earning University of Pennsylvania academic credit.
- Continuing Education Units: Satisfy professional development requirements tailored to a professional field.
- MOOCs: Focus on a specific skill or topic in a 4-6 module (week) non-credit course, hosted on third party platform.
- Series & Specializations: Dive deeper into skills or topics over a series of non-credit courses usually completed in 3-6 months.
The Platform is an interactive e-commerce site that enables the public to browse, apply for, pay for, enroll in, and access Penn’s online offerings. Learning experiences listed on the Platform include Penn-hosted non-credit offerings, degrees and certificates, and Penn MOOCs hosted by Coursera and edX. All Penn schools can list any of their online offerings on the site free of charge. Please email us to learn more about creating a listing.
The Canvas Info @ Penn site provides self-help guides to Canvas. If you require additional technical assistance with Canvas, email the Canvas support team or check out your school-specific contact information.
For support with Open Canvas for Penn Learners, email the Penn Library or visit the Open Canvas site for guides and self-help resources.
CETLI offers resources for using Canvas. The Penn Libraries also provides self-help guides on the Canvas Info @ Penn site. For additional training and resources, get in touch with CETLI.
For support with Open Canvas for Penn Learners, connect directly with your school team.
The Penn Libraries provides a policy manual for Open Canvas for Penn Learners which includes training and support for instructors and learners.
Consult your school’s Instructional Technology Support.
You can also visit CETLI’s Teaching with Technology resource to find guidance on using Canvas, as well as additional guidance on tools for learner engagement, lecture recording, online meeting, and assessment.
To learn more about technology, tools, and strategies that will help you achieve your instructional goals, schedule a consultation with us.
For Online Program Teams
- Overview
- The Online Learning Platform
- Digital Learning Strategies Grant Program
- Compliance Resources for Online Programs
- Online Student Services FAQ
- Practices & Tools for Supporting Teaching Online
- Support for Instructional Design Professionals at Penn
- Online Programs FAQ
- Online Learning Communities of Practice
- Schedule a Consultation
Other Resources
- Overview
- Supporting Your Students
- Teaching that Enables Every Student to Thrive
- Teaching with Technology
- Generative AI & Your Teaching
- Structured Active In-class Learning (SAIL)
- Syllabus Language & Policies
- Academic Integrity
- Course Evaluations
- Teaching Online
- Course Roster, Classroom & Calendar Info
- Policies Concerning Student-Faculty Interactions
- For New Faculty
- Teaching Grants for Faculty