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Managing Remote Teaching & Research

Facilitator: Shivajee Govind, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Chemistry
Convener: Panel of Experienced TAs

This workshop is targeted mostly for 1st years in STEM field. Remote teaching can be challenging, especially when you start to do research in the lab. How to succeed as a teacher, manage your remote office hours and still find time to impress your PI. This workshop brings you a panel of experienced TAs who mastered the art of teaching/managing small or large classrooms, remote or in-person teaching and lab-based or lecture-based classes. We will cover the Dos & Don’ts, managing expectations, setting boundaries for your class (and yourself) and tips on how to be a good TA and have a successful PhD.

All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the Chemistry department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.

Counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

Registrations are closed for this event

Thursday, April 29, 2021

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Event Participants:

School of Arts & Sciences

For More Information: