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Leading Graduate Seminars

Facilitator: Melissa Sanchez, English and Gender and Women’s Studies & Alex Weisiger, Political Science

Graduate seminars do many things: introduce students to a field and how to be scholars and professionals in the field, provide students with the tools to follow their own interests as well as give students entry to an entirely new set of interests, lenses and questions.  In this session, Melissa Sanchez of English and Gender and Women’s Studies and Alex Weisigner of Political Science facilitate a discussion of ways of structuring and leading graduate seminars to help students get the most out of our classes.

Part of the CETLI Faculty-to-Faculty Discussions Series
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

12:00 pm to 1:15 pm
134 (CETLI/OLI Seminar Room)
Van Pelt Library
3420 Walnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19104 United States
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