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Helping Students Improve Their Writing in Your Discipline

Convener: Zachary Smith, CETLI Graduate Fellow, Political Science

TAs are often asked to evaluate student written work, from discussion board posts to response papers to lab reports to in-class and take home exams and essays. Frequently, students take classes in diverse fields which may be new to them and can struggle to adapt their writing styles to disciplinary conventions. In this workshop, we will discuss key expectations for writing in your discipline, tools TAs can bring to improving student writing over the course of the semester, strategies for structuring writing assignments to allow for continuous improvement, and methods for giving effective feedback that promotes student growth. This workshop will engage TAs in all disciplines with varied types of written assignments.

Registration Required.

This workshop counts as a TA Training Follow-up Workshop.

This workshop counts toward the CETLI Teaching Certificate.

Part of the CETLI TA Training Follow-up Series

Registrations are closed for this event

Monday, November 2, 2020

12:00 pm to 1:15 pm

Event Participants:


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