There are many things that most of you will do during this semester. You will get settled on campus. This will mean that you will adjust to your living situation, go out with your friends, visit your family, and work. These are important. Still, your academic life should also be a foundational element of your semester and a core part of why you are here. Set high standards for yourself! Read books on your own! It is wonderful to arrange your schedule so that you come to class, do the readings, study, and absorb the material. Since this is a course in the social sciences, there is quite a bit of required reading for this course.
The class is designed to challenge you to think about the world in new ways as well as to build your intellectual skills. We work for each class to have a point and to highlight key ideas. Each class is an important part of the goals of the semester. We are always happy to meet with you in office hours to discuss what you are learning and how you can further improve.
Students tell me that they often enter the course expecting that it will be an "easy course." They are surprised that it is not. It has a great deal of reading since empirical studies are crucial to understanding scientific evidence in the social sciences. Some, but not all, students also report that they find the course to be valuable. They report that it has an impact on how they see the world.