Academic integrity is central to Penn's educational mission and the institution has set out definitions and standards to guide students and faculty in its Code of Academic Integrity.
Students are ultimately responsible for maintaining their integrity. Still, instructors can create an atmosphere that encourages students to do their own work, and structure their assignments and classes to make dishonesty less attractive and more difficult.
When instructors detect infractions of the Code of Academic Integrity they may take actions against those infractions. To report an offense or request a consultation about student dishonesty, contact the Center for Community Standards & Accountability (CSA).  Instructors are welcome to consult with CSA without moving forward with a case.
Resources For Promoting Academic Integrity and Responding to Violations
More Resources
- Overview
- Supporting Your Students
- Teaching that Enables Every Student to Thrive
- Teaching with Technology
- Generative AI & Your Teaching
- Structured Active In-class Learning (SAIL)
- Syllabus Language & Policies
- Academic Integrity
- Course Evaluations
- Teaching Online
- Course Roster, Classroom & Calendar Info
- Policies Concerning Student-Faculty Interactions
- For New Faculty
- Teaching Grants for Faculty