Alex Weisiger, Poli Sci
- Large class
- Student didn’t have to log in and he didn’t integrate it with his gradebook; ungraded assignment
- Typically gets at least half the students participating, and typically more
- Sticks with mostly MC questions; found click-able images “funky”
- “Why are you here” poll to understand students’ goals
- Used a question to gauge student views on international grade before discussions and recitations
- Used show/signal what might be on the midterm and help students be prepared
- Help students understand what they do and do not know and weigh different views before discussing it in class
- Chooses to suppress answers until students vote or leaves up for students to vote while they are settling in
- Things from the polls tend to be retained by students
Jeff Saven, Chemistry
- Used in a yearlong seminar that supports students engaged in their own research
- Goals:
- Giving students feedback from their class on their presentations on their research meant for a broad audience and whether they use visuals effectively
- Help audience members pay closer attention/listen actively
- Promote peer review
- Uses Poll Everywhere surveys to gauge the feedback and gives 3-5 minutes for students to complete their feedback after the fact
- Reports are generated at the end as a PDF and shared with presenters
- Issue with students misrepresenting being in class and participating in the polls/surveys even if they were not there