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Communicating your expectations and keeping students on track

Facilitator: Online Only
Convener: CETLI Staff

In this session, participants will consider how to set expectations before students start work and how to use those expectations to guide and motivate students. The session will begin by helping participants plan how to talk with students about the amount of work the course demands and how to navigate the Canvas site. Then the session will consider how to communicate with students before and after they complete work in ways that will help them focus on the course’s goals and keep them motivated. By the end of this workshop, participants will have drafted a homepage and considered a range of different ways to communicate expectations.

This workshop is designed for instructors who will be teaching online classes this summer.

Registration required.

Registrations are closed for this event

Friday, May 8, 2020

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Event Participants:


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